Wednesday, March 08, 2006

4. Stakeholder Dart Board (Christophe de Landtsheer)

About the Stakeholder Dart Board

There has been a lot of discussion lately about corporate governance. Not only about fraudulent CEOs, but also on who should be taken account running a business, and how. The Stakeholder Dart Board Model offers a generic answer to such questions. Who are an organisation's stakeholders? In how far should their legitimate expectations be weighed against the organisation's valid interests? These are dynamic issues which should carefully be managed by any organisation, whether for profit or not, privately owned or publicly quoted.
The Stakeholder Dart Board is not only an effective way to keep track of the agendas of the multiplicity of stakeholder segments, but also to make sure the stakeholder satisfaction / expectation balance remains in favour of the organisation and in alignment to its strategy.

In relation to stakeholder mangement, also see The Performance Prism

Characteristics painting 4-L-1-H-E
Dimensions: 150 x 242 x 4.5 cm
Colourscheme: 1
Lettertype: Arial
Language: English

Painting 4-L-1-H-E (unfinished) © 060619, Distrifina SA

Painting 4-L-1-H-E (finished) © 070326, Distrifina SA


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