Tuesday, March 21, 2006

8. The Organic Growth Model (Christophe de Landtsheer)

About the Organic Growth Model
Because they have insufficient access to capital to extend their activity externally (by acquiring external assets), the vast majority of companies and business units have no option but to focus on an organic growth strategy.
In most strategies "cash is king", in organic growth strategies this factor is the most extremely salient. 99 % of humanity is living and working in this strategic mode. And yet, not a lot of models are specifically focusing on it.
Growing and keeping cash flow and reserves in balance is the challenge here. And as growth means investing, it is of the utmost importance to focus on discretionary spending which either enables the organisation to perform better (process improvement) or increases its competitive position by executing its strategy effectively.It's all about the fine alchemy of combining the right doses of diversification and differentiation.
This model is dedicated to all the inventive and hard working people on this earth.

Characteristics painting 8-M-2-A-E
Dimensions: 120 x 192 x 3.5 cm
Colourscheme: 2
Lettertype: Arial
Language: English

Painting 8-M-2-A-E © 060321, Distrifina SA


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